# Quicklizard Help Center
Welcome to Quicklizard's Help Center, where you can learn how to use our embeddable Javascript SDK and our clients REST API to easily integrate QL into your eShop.
# Javascript SDK Integration
Our Javascript SDK is a key piece of the Quicklizard platform that allows us to provide you with in-depth intelligence and analytics on key metrics of your online store.
With just a few lines of Javascript code, that are added to key pages of your online store, you can send us information about which products were viewed and purchased by your site visitors, which in turn allows us to provide you with information about store-wide, product and category level views, conversion rates and revenue, as well as insights on trending categories and your competitive position within your marketplace.
The current release of our SDK is V3, which was released on June 4th, 2020. You may find the SDK docs for the current release of our SDK here.
For existing SDK integrations, that were implemented before June 4th, 2020, you may find the SDK docs for SDK V2.1 here.
# REST API Integration
Quicklizard's REST API is available on https://rest.quicklizard.com
Our API allows you to programmatically interact with our platform over HTTPS, and fully integrate our dynamic pricing engine with your ERP, so that any price recommendations we generate for you can become immediately available for your store users.
The current version of our REST API is v3, which was released on May 26th, 2020. You may find the API Docs for API v3 here